Tuesday 8 July 2014

Birthday Month Giveaway #2 & A Very Sad Day

Today has been a very sad day in the Itsy Bits household. We said goodbye to our old friend Jack.

After 12 and a half years and suffering from terminal cancer we decided that he was ready to go to sleep. A very very sad day but we know we did the right thing.

In happier news, we are on week two of our birthday celebrations and on to the second of our birthday giveaways. 

Up for grabs this week are some goodies from our new range of pom pom hair accessories by Boo Miss Martha Moo. These funky and unique hair accessories are handmade in the UK and available in just about any colour under the sun. 

The giveaway is for a pom pom headband of the winners choice plus 4 pom pom hair clips. Easy to enter via the Rafflecopter widget below. Good luck!

a Rafflecopter giveaway


  1. So sorry to hear about your dog. It sounds like you made the right decision x

  2. All dogs go to heaven in peace. The right thing was done. Xoxo
